

Dean Gotcher

Dialectic 'reasoning' is self 'justification' being put into social action (praxis).  It is the praxis (social action) of 'justifying' the child's carnal nature over and against the father's authority, negating the father's/Father's authority in the process.  Diaprax is man living with himself and the world in pleasure, in the 'moment,' as a child without parental restraint.

George Hegel wrote: "The child, contrary to appearance, is the absolute, the rationality of the relationship; he is what is enduring and everlasting, the totality which produces itself once again as such [once 'liberated' from the father's authority]."   (George Hegel, System of Ethical Life)  All of Hegel's ideology stems from this: the child's "feelings" (the affective domain), i.e. his "sense experience" of the 'moment,' where his "sense perception" of the world around him and his "sensuous (felt) need" (to be at-one-with it in pleasure, in the 'moment') drives him into 'reasoning' i.e. into dialectic 'reasoning,' i.e. 'justifying' himself, others, and the world as being "one" (over and against the father's authority), negating faith in the father's commands, rules, facts, and truth (faith in God) in the process.

According to dialectic 'reasoning' the Universal (society) lies hidden in the Particular (in the child who is not aware of the Universal which lies within him).  Without the father's authority (the father's resistance against the Universal, i.e. resisting the child's nature—which is common with all the children of the world) the child would never come to know his "self" as being in and for the Universal (society).  By the child resisting the father's authority, 'justifying' his "self,"  'liberating' his "self" with the world (with the "help" of a facilitator of 'change'), he comes to know his "self" as he is, i.e. in and for the Universal (society) only.  According to dialectic 'reasoning,' reality does not reside in the father's authority but in dialectic 'reasoning' itself, i.e. in the child's ability to 'justify' his "self" as being at-one-with the world, uniting with the world in consensus, 'liberating' (actualizing) his "self" and the world through his 'willful' participation in the social action (praxis) of negating the father's authority not only in his "self," i.e. in his feelings, thoughts, and actions but in his relationship with others and the world as well.

"'The philosophy of praxis is the absolute secularization of thought, an absolute humanism of history.'"  (Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the PRISON NOTEBOOKS)   It is the removal of any external voice directing the child/man.  It is the child/man' justifying' himself, i.e. 'justifying' his own feelings, thoughts, and actions and his relationship with others and the world in the 'moment.'

"The dialectic [self 'justification'] will go on until we reach the absolute whole, that which includes everything within itself [of the world only], and so cannot possibly depend upon anything outside itself [upon the father, i.e. upon God] ."  (Frederick Beiser, Hegel)

Karl Marx wrote: "Once the earthly family [where the child is obedient to his father, judging other children according to his father's standards] is discovered to be the secret of the holy family [where the Son is obedient to His Father, calling all to follow him in doing the same], the former [the traditional family system with its father's authority (engendering prejudice)] must itself be annihilated [vernichtet] theoretically  [in the "thoughts" of the child] and practically [in accordance to (in agreement with) the laws of the flesh, i.e. what all children have in common]."  (Karl Marx, Theses On Feuerbach #4)

Sigmund Freud wrote: "'It is not really a decisive matter whether one has killed one's father or abstained from the deed,' if the function of the conflict and its consequences are the same."  "... the hatred against patriarchal suppression—a ‘barrier to incest,' ... the desire (for the sons) to return to the motherculminates in the rebellion of the exiled sons, the collective killing and devouring of the father, and the establishment of the brother clan," (Sigmund Freud as quoted in Herbart Marcuse, Eros and Civilization: A philosophical inquiry into Freud)

The "common" theme of dialectic 'reasoning' (from the garden of Eden on) is the child 1) "lusting" after the pleasures of the world (wanting to be "at-one-with" the world), 2) resenting (hating) the father's authority which prevents him from attaining it, 3) 'justifying' himself (his carnal nature) over and against the father's authority, negating the father's authority in his feelings, thoughts, and actions and in his relationship with himself, others, and the world in the process.  What "common-ism" and "common-unity" is all about is Hegel's, i.e. Kant's "lawfulness without law," where, through dialectic 'reasoning,' i.e. through "self" 'justification," the nature of the child/man, i.e. the law of the flesh negates the authority of the father/Father, i.e. the law of God.

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."  1 John 2:16

"Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."  Luke 16:15

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2015