The Father's Authority Structure In Government:
how it has been negated (removed) and why.
Dean Gotcher
When the father's/Father's authority, i.e., the Patriarchal paradigm, where 1) commands and rules are preached, to be obeyed as given, facts and truth are taught to be accepted as is, by faith, and any questions those under authority have regarding them are discussed at the one in authority's discretion (providing they have time, those under authority are able to understand, and are not questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking authority), 2) those obeying authority and doing things right are rewarded, 3) those disobeying authority and/or doing things wrong are corrected, reproved, and/or chastened, 4) and any who question, challenge, defy, disregard, attack authority are cast out (expelled) is replaced with the child's carnal nature, i.e., the child's love of the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' (dopamine emancipation, i.e., the affective domain) which the world stimulates and hate of restraint, i.e., the Heresiarchal paradigm of 'change,' where opinions are dialogued to a consensus, traditional world view (facts and truth, i.e., objective truth) is negated, replaced with a transformational world view ("feelings," i.e., subjective "truth"), producing a "new" world order where psychologists, psychotherapists, facilitators of 'change,' Transformational Marxists, and all who fall victim to their praxis of seduction, deception, and manipulation can do wrong, disobey, sin without having a guilty conscience, i.e., can do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity.
The framers of the Constitution of the United States, understanding the heart of man, i.e., his propensity to despotism, created a representative, limited form of government, where the citizens themselves were the fathers, with representatives being, as their children, sent to the store to re-present them, i.e., their position, spending their money according to their commands, rules, facts, and truth, no longer sending them to the store if they (the children, i.e., the representatives) spent their (the constituent's, i.e., the father's) money on their (the children's, i.e., the representative's) own "self interests" instead. The consensus process (bipartisanship) negates 'limited' government, unalienable rights, private convictions, property, and business, local control, posterity, inheritance, i.e., all that our framing Father's gave us.
© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2019