"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:10, 23

Dean Gotcher

"... every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Romans 14:12

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:16

You are not to be held accountable for someone else's sin(s), i.e., you can not repent for their sin(s) nor, though you might try, can you blame them for your sin(s), i.e., you are accountable for your sin(s). (Ezekiel 18) To repent for someone else's sins and/or blame someone else for yours is to 'justify' your "self" before men, i.e., 'justifying' your "lusting" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' (dopamine emancipation) which the world is stimulating, including the pleasure which comes with the approval, i.e., affirmation of men, leaving you in your sin ("the lust of the flesh," "the lust of the eyes," and "the pride of life").

"And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15

Those of (and for) the world, i.e., "of and for self" preach, teach, and praxis the lie that you can become "good" by doing "good works," that your basic nature is "good," only needing proper education, i.e., upbringing (counseling/therapy)—the idea being: 'create' the right (proper) environment (remove what makes man bad or evil, i.e., "feel" bad or evil) and the "goodness" of man will become manifest. This "is abomination in the sight of God."

It is in dialogue you 'justify' our "self," i.e., your carnal desires, i.e., your "feelings" ("lusts") of the 'moment,' which the world (the current situation, imagined or real) is stimulating. Dialogue requires the suspending (as upon a cross) of any command, rule, fact, or truth that prevents, i.e., that inhibits or blocks dialogue, i.e., that gets in the way of your "feelings" of the 'moment,' i.e., your desire for the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' (dopamine emancipation) which the world is stimulating, "triggering," i.e., 'justifying' (in your mind) your dissatisfaction with, resentment toward, hatred of (anger against) established commands, rules, facts, and truth (and anyone enforcing them) that get in the way of your carnal desires ("lusts") of the 'moment,' which the world, i.e., the current situation is stimulating.

In dialogue, "self," i.e., pleasure and the world which stimulates it, become one. Dialogue does not become "lust" until it questions, challenges, denies, defies, attacks established commands, rules, facts, and truth that get in the way of the carnal desires of the 'moment,' which the world is stimulating. In dialogue, "right" becomes whatever (or whoever) engenders pleasure, making whatever (or whoever) inhibits or blocks it "wrong" (evil). In a discussion, right and wrong are determined by established commands, rules, facts, and truth (which you may or may not know at the time, desiring to know), which includes the laws of nature—which are established by God. The objective in a discussion is to be (and do what is) right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth that are external to your carnal desires, i.e., your urges and impulses of the 'moment.' This is why you must put dialogue aside, i.e., you must humble, deny, die to, control, discipline your "self" if you want to do what is right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth.

It is the structure of the father's/Father's authority to discuss with his children any question(s) they might have regarding his/His commands, rules, facts, and truth (at his/His discretion: providing there is time, i.e., it is the proper time, they are able to understand, and/or are not questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking his authority) and it is the carnal nature of the child to "lust" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world is stimulating, hating restraint, i.e., hating the father's/Father's authority that gets in the way. It is in the preaching, teaching, and discussing of established commands, rules, facts, and truth that the father's/Father's authority resides, engendering a guilty conscience in the child for doing wrong, disobeying, sinning. It is in dialogue that the child's carnal nature ("human nature") is 'justified,' 'liberating' him from having a guilty conscience for doing wrong, disobeying, sinning (so he can do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity)—the "super-ego," i.e., the child's "feelings" of the 'moment' having 'joined' with the conscience, i.e., taking its place.

In a discussion doing right and not wrong (according to, i.e., in the light of established commands, rules, facts, and truth, i.e., "rule of law") guides communication while in dialogue your "feelings" (in the 'light' of the current situation—which include your desire for approval from others, i.e., affirmation) guides communication instead. In dialogue we are all "equal" in our carnal nature, i.e., in our love of pleasure and hate of restraint, i.e., in the laws of the flesh, while in discussion we are all accountable to laws that are external to our carnal desires, i.e., our "feelings" of the 'moment' (whether the laws are right or wrong, i.e., from God or of man). While discussion can not make us holy, it is our effort to rescue our "self" from our sins, i.e., to know the truth and do what is right. On the other hand, in dialogue we 'justify' our sins, since in dialogue, "truth"—being subject to our carnal desires of the 'moment' and the world which stimulates them—comes from within. This is why, when it comes to their carnal desires, socialists, 'liberals,' globalists, totalitarian-ists, despots, tyrants, rebels, revolutionists, etc., i.e., children of disobedience refuse to discuss right and wrong (which requires them to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline their "self" in order to do right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth, therefore having to admit that they are wrong when they are wrong and repent), with socialists, 'liberal's, globalists insisting upon dialogue instead (there is no father's/Father's authority, guilty conscience, i.e., wrong, i.e., sin in dialogue, except to inhibit or block dialogue"repressing" "human nature," alienating man from man).

Karl Marx wrote, regarding ('justifying') sin. "Not feeling at home in the sinful world [in a world where the Word of God is preached and taught in the home and in the community (and in the "church"), making man "feel bad," i.e., feel guilty for his sins, having to repent for his carnal thoughts and actions], Critical Criticism [or "critical thinking," i.e., questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking established laws, i.e., the father's/Father's authority, i.e. replacing the father's/Father's commands, rules, facts, and truth (reasoning from established commands, rules, facts, and truth) with dialogue, i.e., dialectic 'reasoning' ('reasoning' from your "feelings" of the 'moment,' in the 'light' of the given situation, which includes your desire for the approval of men, i.e., affirmation), i.e., using "higher order thinking skills" (which are used on material things only) as the means to 'justifying' your "self," thereby establishing "valid" morals and ethics, i.e., determining right and wrong behavior from your sinful nature only ("situation ethics")] must set up a sinful world in its own home [in other words, with the use of dialogue, the child's "Why?" (in response to the father's/Father's command, rule, fact, or truth that gets in the way of his carnal desires of the moment') becomes "right," making the father's/Father's refusal to dialogue (become "equal") with the child "wrong," 'rationally' making sensuousness , i.e. the child's carnal nature, i.e., his love of pleasure and hate of restraint the "drive" of life, thereby making the augmentation of pleasure (which includes the pleasure which comes with affirmation, i.e., the approval of others approving your "lusting" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world is stimulating, thereby approving, i.e., 'justifying' their "lusting" after the carnal pleasure of the 'moment' which the world is stimulating) and the attenuation (removal or negation) of pain (which includes the pain which comes with missing out on pleasure which comes as a result of the father's/Father's authority getting in the way) the "purpose"]." "Critical Criticism [dialogue, i.e., children questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking parental authority, i.e. 'justifying' their carnal desires of the 'moment' which are being stimulated by the world] is a spiritualistic lord, pure spontaneity, actus purus, intolerant of any influence from without." (Karl Marx, The Holy Family)

"To enjoy the present reconciles us to the actual." (Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right') According to Karl Marx (and Abraham Maslow"self actualization," "hierarchy of 'felt' needs") reality, i.e., what is "actual" resides within us, i.e., in our "self," i.e., in our carnal desires ("lusts") of the 'moment' and the world which stimulates them, not in God who created us—requiring us to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline our "self" in order to do His will. "The philosopher Hegel said that truth is not found in the thesis nor the antithesis but in an emerging synthesis which reconciles the two." (Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love) Truth, in other words, in not found in the child "feelings" of the 'moment' only nor in the father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth but in the praxis of 'compromise' ('reasoning' from and through "feelings") in order to "build relationship" with one another, i.e., through dialogue discovering their common "self interest," becoming at-one-with one another based upon their carnal nature, i.e., their love of ("lusting" after) pleasure and their hate of restraint, i.e., sin.

While cream "rises to the top" so does scum. When communication is based upon discussion, doing right and not wrong guides the conversation (even though the established commands, rules, facts, and 'truth' can be wrong, i.e., the traditions of men) while in dialogue, where carnal desires predominate, immorality, i.e., deviancy becomes the outcome, i.e., the "norm." In Immanuel Kant's "lawfulness without law," the law of the flesh, i.e., the child's carnal nature, i.e., his desire for the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which are being stimulated by the world, i.e., sensuousness, i.e., sin rules over and therefore against the law of God, i.e., doing right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth, i.e., "rule of law," i.e., righteousness, i.e., the father's/Father's authority. (Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment) In other words: it is not that man is above the law, he is the law—his carnal nature ("human nature"), i.e., "self interest," i.e., "lust," i.e., sin, i.e., that which is of the world only is all there is (all the rest is illusionary, irrational, and therefore irrelevant—except to overcome).

Instead of starting with the father's/Father's authority, i.e., preaching, teaching, and discussing established commands, rules, facts, and truth making it, i.e., them the means of communication, the idea ('logic') is to begin with the child's "feelings" of the 'moment,' through dialogue making the child's carnal desires of the moment' ("human nature") the focus, thereby 'liberating' the child's carnal nature ("human nature") from the father's/Father's authority, i.e., from the "rule of law," 'justifying' sin, i.e., "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." Instead of the Son of God (in obedience to his Father, dying on the cross—shedding His blood to cover our sins) 'redeeming' us from our sins—with the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit raising Him from the grave, 'reconciling' us to Himself, in dialogue we 'redeem' our "self" from the father's/Father's authority, 'reconciling' our "self" to the world instead. In dialogue, reconciliation is between men, not between man and God, leaving man in his sins, even though he might be doing "wonderful works" in the name of the Lord. Matthew 7:21-23

Georg Hegel wrote: "The child, contrary to appearance, is the absolute, the rationality of the relationship; he is what is enduring and everlasting, the totality which produces itself once again as such [once he is 'liberated' from the father'/Father's authority to become as he was before the father's/Father's first command, rule, fact, or truth came into his life (separating him from his "self" and the world), of (and now for) "self" and the world only]." (Georg Hegel, System of Ethical Life)

Karl Marx simply redefined the child's carnal nature, i.e., "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" as "sensuous needs," "sense perception," and "sense experience," making sin academics (a "scientific" method), i.e., the foundation from which to determine right and wrong behavior. (Karl Marx, MEGA I/3) Behavior "science" can only recognize and 'justify' the carnal nature ("lust") of the child, i.e., the heart of man, making it the "norm." The 'logic' being, "lust" is not "lust" if there is no father's/Father's authority, i.e., established commands, rules, facts, and truth calling it "lust." "Lust" is only the child being his "self," i.e., "normal."

The culture of dialogue is the culture of sin.

As the Apostle Paul wrote: "I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet." Romans 7:7 Get rid of the law, i.e., the father's/Father's authority (through dialogue) and man is "free" to be his "self," i.e., "free" to do wrong, disobey, sin again, i.e., "free" to do wrong, disobey, sin without having a guilty conscience, i.e., "free" to do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity (as long as whatever he is doing is "good" for man). This is the culture of dialogue (of "woke-ness") that is rising up today, elevating sin, i.e., man's carnal nature (sensuousness) over and therefore against the father's/Father's authority (righteousness). Through the praxis of dialogue man makes his "self" "good," (god), i.e., "right" (righteous) in his own eyes.

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 16:25 In dialogue man becomes a servant to his own carnal nature, i.e., a servant to sin, deceived in believing he is right when he is wrong. This makes him subject to whoever, through dialogue with him, gains access to his carnal desires, i.e., his "self interest" of the 'moment,' seducing, deceiving, and manipulating him (through his "feelings") in order to use him, as "human resource," for his own end (gain). "And through covetousness [your carnal desires, i.e., your "self interest"] shall they with feigned words [plastic words, Gr., i.e., doublespeak, i.e., saying one thing while meaning another, i.e., giving you what you want to hear in order to gain their trust with the intent to] make merchandise of you [turn you into "human resource," to be used for their own pleasure and gain, buying and selling you in the market place of man's "lusts"]." 2 Peter 2:

"The heart is deceitful above all things [thinking pleasure is the standard for "good" instead of doing the father's/Father's will, i.e., having to set aside pleasure, i.e., having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline "self" in order (as in "old" world order) to do the father's/Father's will, i.e., in order to do right and not wrong according the father's/Father's commands, rules, facts, and truth], and desperately wicked [hating the father's/Father's authority which "gets in the way," i.e. which prevents, i.e., inhibits or blocks it from enjoying the carnal pleasures of the 'moment'—which the world stimulates]: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 You can not see your hate of restraint, i.e., hatred toward the father's/Father's authority as being evil since your love of pleasure, i.e., love of "self," i.e., "lust," including your "lust" for the approval of men stands in the way.

"Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." Jeremiah 17:5

"The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil." Psalms 36:1-4

"And for this cause [because men 'justify' themselves, i.e., their love of "self" and the world, i.e., their love of pleasure (dopamine emancipation) more than God] God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [that pleasure is the standard for "good," including the approval (affirmation) of men, instead of doing the Father's will]: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth [in the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ], but had pleasure in unrighteousness [in their "self" and the world]." 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Psalms 118:8

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is." Jeremiah 17:7

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverb. 3: 5-6

All psychologists, i.e., "behavioral scientists," i.e., group psychotherapists, i.e., facilitators of 'change', i.e., Transformational Marxists—'justifying' the child's carnal nature in them (and you), i.e., establishing their (and your) "lusting" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' (dopamine emancipation) which the world stimulates over and therefore against the father's/Father's authority, i.e., doing the father's/Father's will—praxis abomination. Their praxis of dialoguing opinions (your and their "feelings") to a consensus (affirmation)—'justifying' your and their sinful nature—leaves you in your sins. There is no such thing as a Christian psychologist, only those who seduce, deceive, and manipulate , i.e., "beguile" all who come before them in order (as in "new" world order) to 'justify' (affirm) their "lusting" after the carnal pleasure of the 'moment' which the world stimulates, so they can do wrong, disobey, sin without having a guilty conscience, i.e., so they can do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity.

Through his use of dialogue in order to know right from wrong, sin is no longer man's disobedience to God but is anyone preventing him from "building relationship" with others based their common "self interest," i.e., their carnal nature, i.e., their "lusting" after the things of the world. "Sin is the estrangement of man from man." "Humanism asserts that the test of human conduct must be found in human experience [praxis]; concern for man replaces concern about pleasing God. Humanism elevates man to the rank of God.... God is man, mankind, humanity.... salvation is a symbol, a symbol for becoming ultimately concerned about humanitysalvation is an 'eternal' present. The answer to man's predicament lies in the realization by individual man, that all men are essentially one and that the one is God. This self-realization is a 'return' to union: potential becomes actual." (Leonard Wheat Paul Tillich's Dialectical Humanism)

"In the dialogic relation of recognizing oneself in the other, they experience the common ground of their existence." (Jürgen Habermas, Knowledge & Human Interest, Chapter Three: The Idea of the Theory of Knowledge as Social Theory)

"And through covetousness [your "self interest," i.e., your "lusting" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world stimulates] shall they with feigned words ["plastic words," Gr., using ambiguous words (double speak) so they can say one thing (in your mind giving you want you want to hear) and mean another] make merchandise of you [getting you to affirm ('justify'), support, defend, worship, and praise them, 'justifying' their "self," i.e., their carnal nature, i.e., their "lusts," including their "lust" for your approval (affirmation). In dialogue they are saying, make me "feel good," i.e., "feel" 'like' god and I will listen to you, "hurt" my "feelings," i.e., judge me, i.e., expose my sins, i.e., don't make me "feel" like God, i.e., "good" and I will not listen to you, i.e., I will reject you, i.e., I will "hurt" you]:" 2 Peter 2:3

"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16

"No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Luke 16:13

"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1 John 2:16

"But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6

"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." and "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" is called "belief-action dichotomy," where, despite knowing know right from wrong, wanting to do right, we do wrong, i.e., sin anyway. Matthew 5:24, Romans 3:23

   "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
    O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
    So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live."
Romans 7:15 - 8:13

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians. 2:8, 9

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

While man seeks to overcome sin by 'justifying' it through "good works," i.e., 'justifying' his "self," i.e., "the pride of life," God has resolved (covered) it through faith in Him. Instead of turning to the Word of God for truth, which is to be preached, taught, and discussed, through dialogue with his "self" and with others man has turned to his "self," i.e., 'reasoning' from his "feelings," i.e., his carnal desires, i.e., his "sense experience" instead—rejecting faith. When it comes to knowing right from wrong, dialogue (desire for the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world stimulates, which includes the affirmation, i.e., the 'justification' of men) is the praxis of sin.

The objective of those who replace discussion (of established commands, rules, facts, and truth in order to do right and not wrong) with dialogue (your "feelings," i.e., your carnal desires of the 'moment') is to "prevent someone who KNOWS from filling the empty space." (Wilfred Bion) In this way they can do wrong, disobey, sin with impunity, i.e., without having a guilty conscience.

When the "church" replaces the preaching, teaching, and discussing of the Word of God (weighing the Word of God with the Word of God, weighing everyone's thoughts and actions from it) with the dialoguing of men's opinions (making the Word of God subject to man's "feelings"), it becomes apostate—man's sinful nature (sin) is 'justified' by men for the sake of affirmation, i.e., human(ist) relationship. "Fellowship" can only come from fellowshipping "with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ" first, otherwise it is "of and for self" and the world only—you are simply 'justifying' your "self" (your sins) before men, remaining in your sins.

"... truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." 1 John 1:3

"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2019