
Dean Gotcher

rough outline:

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18

The consensus ("feeling" of "oneness" with others) meeting is based  upon compromise. Even to be silent in the midst of unrighteousness is to condone, i.e., consent to unrighteousness, making unrighteousness the "norm," making righteousness abnormal, i.e., irrational, i.e., unreasonable, making anyone demanding it irrelevant. Consensus is dependent upon participants compromising their position (the commands, rules, facts, and truth they came into the meeting with) for the sake of "building relationship," doing so out of fear of losing relationship with (respect, i.e., approval from) someone in "the group," whether the other person knows them or not. It is this desire to initiate or sustain relationship with the other person, who themselves are compromising in order to "building relationship" with others out of fear of being rejected, i.e., out of fear of becoming irrelevant that draws you into compromising your position, i.e., commands, rules, facts, and truth in the consensus meeting. In the consensus environment, "feelings" supplant commands, rules, facts, and truth as the "guiding light" to 'truth,' i.e., to what is right and what is wrong in the 'moment' or situation—right being based upon what makes me "feel good," and wrong being what makes me "feel bad," i.e., offends me, i.e., is "negative" (The "Make me 'feel good' and I will listen to you" mentality of today).  Karl Marx wrote: "To enjoy the present reconciles us to the actual." (Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right')

fear of loosing friends-feelings-fear of loneliness

something to gain from the relationship-feelings-fear of loneliness

Adam fear of loosing the relationship-feelings-fear of loneliness

Chooses relationship with the woman-fear of loneliness-over and therefore against obedience to God-commands, rules, facts, and truth.

Jesus overcame the fear of loneliness on the cross-"Why has thou forsaken me?"-in his obedience to the Father over and therefore against the desire (lust) for human relationship-the approval of men.

As the Apostle Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, wrote: "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

God is not against relationship-feelings-he created the woman (not Steve or "the group") for Adam. He is against feelings superseding faith in and obedience to Him.

The consensus process has only one true goal, the compromising of commands, rules, facts, and truth for the sake of "building relationship." The consensus process is the pathway to common-ism, i.e., globalism. It requires the suspending of truth, as on a cross, for the sake of approval (affirmation) by others, i.e., "the group." "The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by accepting belongingness to the group." (Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change).

Affirmation, approval of, by, and for man negates faith in God, negating a persons ability to stand alone with the truth. Consensus (the fear of loneliness) depends upon "self interest," i.e., the "building relationship" with others based upon what you can get out of them for your "self," including (and especially) the "feelings" of affirmation. While it might "feel" good, i.e., be the basis for determining what is "good" in the 'moment,' it has a down side, i.e., evil side. Like looking for gold with a "friend." You had better watch your back when you find it. Your "friends'" "self interest" could cost you your life. The "feeling" of consensus (affirmation by others, affirming your carnal nature, i.e., your love of pleasure and hate of restraint) is intoxicating, addictive, and possessive. While it is "enjoyable" in the 'moment' it will leave you hollow (empty) in the end.

We are to deny self, pick up our cross, i.e., be willing to stand alone with the truth and follow Jesus, i.e., the truth in obedience to his Father, undoing what Adam did in the garden, abdicating his authority under God, "lusting" after the woman (relationship) instead, done out of fear of being "alone" again, then "throwing her under the bus" when caught in order to save his skin, i.e., 'justifying' his self (like a 'liberal' blaming someone else for his fault, i.e., it was her fault, I am the victim)—all done for his own "self interest" of not being alone (being important in the eyes of others, which is the pride of life). It is through covetousness, "self interest," i.e., the fear of being alone (rejected), that "group psychotherapists," facilitators of 'change,' Transformational Marxists (all three being the same) are able to buy and sell the souls of men, turning all participants in the consensus process into "human resources," in order (as in new world order) to use them for their own pleasure and gain. "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:" 2 Peter 2:3

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Hebrews 13:5, 6

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2018