Part 10

    There is no true representation in the consensus process—which makes decisions according to the "feelings" of the 'moment'—as representation requires re-presenting another person's (the constituent's, i.e., the father's/Father's) position, which is based upon private convictions. The only pure representation ever demonstrated on the earth was (and is) by the Lord Jesus Christ's himself, who, though being equal with God, took on the form of a man—became as a child under a father's authority—obeyed His Heavenly Father in all things commanded, and thus was (is) able to say "If you have known/seen me you have known/seen the Father." (John 14:7, 9) In the consensus process, you can only respond (react) to the situation of the 'moment' that stimulates your "feelings" of the 'moment,' as in stimulus-response—something which animals do. Animals naturally react to situations. Only after proper training (programing) do they respond cognitively (though their cognition is still subject to their "feelings" of the 'moment,' i.e., the affective domain, making them subject to nature only).
    Such behavior (making law via the consensus process) would make laws subject to rapid 'change,' i.e., subject to the politicians, judges, leaders "feelings" of the 'moment," and the situation of the 'moment' that stimulates them, making laws subject to the facilitator of 'change,' who, by manipulating the situation of the 'moment' (as Pavlov, Skinner, and Thorndike—as lab technicians, i.e., as psychotherapists—set up the conditions to stimulate, evaluate, and program their dogs, rats, and chickens) "guarantees" his desired outcome, i.e., his control over the elected "representative" (and therefore his control over "the people" they "represent"), doing it all in the name of "the people." For example, if you go to court without a lawyer and the judge asks you where your lawyer is and you respond with "I am going to represent myself" he will correct you and say that you can not "represent" your self, you can only present yourself. There is no father's/Father's (constituents) authority, i.e., representation in the consensus process, only the participants personal "feelings" and "thoughts" of the 'moment,' which are subject to the situation of the 'moment,' which is subject to the manipulation of a facilitator of 'change,' "helping" "the group" determine the "appropriate information" in order to guarantee his desired outcome, consensus., i.e., the negation of the father's/Father's (the constituents) authority in determining how to respond to present and future situations. By the facilitator of 'change' drawing those loyal to the father's/Father's authority system into criticizing him, i.e., into questioning and challenging him (instead of removing him, demanding he leave, exposing him as a seducer, deceiver, and manipulator, i.e., as a liar)—who has taken on a semblance of authority in an effort to negate the participants respect for authority—he is able to "help" them manifest dissatisfaction with authority, putting their dissatisfaction into practice.

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2016