Part 7

    All certified teachers and accredited schools (from to pre-school to post-graduate, as well as in all other professions, including private schools, Christian included) use "Bloom's Taxonomies" as their curriculum—how they educate their students. Bloom wrote "To create effectively a new set of attitudes and values [a new world order], the individual must undergo great reorganization of his personal beliefs and attitudes and he must be involved in an environment which in many ways is separated from the previous environment in which he was developed." "...many of these changes are produced by association with peers who have less authoritarian points of view [are deviants], as well as through the impact of a great many courses of study in which the authoritarian pattern [parental authority, i.e., the father's/Father's authority system] is in some ways brought into question while more rational and nonauthoritarian [socialist*] behaviors are emphasized." "There are many stories of the conflict and tension that these new practices are producing between parents and children." (David Krathwohl, Benjamin S. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals: Handbook 2, Affective Domain) The two Marxists Bloom references as his world view, i.e., Theodor Adorno and Erick Fromm) wrote: "The family thus may be considered to be the psychological agent of the society." (Erick Fromm, Escape from Freedom) Therefore, according to Adorno, all government departments and agencies and social and religious institutions must use "social-environmental forces to change the parent's behavior toward the child," if 'change' is to become a reality. (Theodor Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality)
    *I do not use the word "democratic" in that "democracy" has become Marxist in structure from the 50's on: "In fact, it is probably fair to say that Erich Fromm's Marx's Concept of Man introduced the young Marx to America and provided the dominant interpretation of this thinker for the students of the New Left." "…Fromm gave the humanitarian, idealist, and romantic proponents of the New Left a Marx they could love." (Stephen Eric Bronner, Of Critical Theory and its Theorists) "By The Authoritarian Personality 'revolutionary' had changed to the 'democratic.'" (Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950) Both Erick Fromm's work (Escape from Freedom) and Theodore Adorno's work (The Authoritarian Personality) were foundation to the development of "Bloom's Taxonomies." "Changing a group atmosphere from autocracy toward democracy through a democratic leadership means that the autocratic followers must shift toward a genuine acceptance of the role of democratic followers." "It is of utmost importance that the trainer of democratic leaders establish and hold his position of leadership." "In a democratic process deviation is welcomed as a possible source of improvement in common ways of thinking and acting." (Kenneth Benne, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2016