Part 2

Section 23

   When believers—those who not only share with others God's love for them but also inform them of their deceitful and wicked heart and warn them of God's judgment upon them (damnation) for their carnal (unrighteous, i.e., deceitful and wicked) thoughts and actions, informing them of their need to 'repent' (therefore being "negative" to them according to the flesh), i.e., of God's judging them for their use of dialectic 'reasoning' to 'justify' themselves, thus setting aside (negating) the "negative" (having denied God's authority over them, in their feelings, thoughts, and actions, they have negated the consequences of their doing wrong, in their feelings, thoughts, and actions) in order to "feel better" about themselves and be less "offensive" to others (in order to feel "good," i.e., "positive," according to the flesh)—are silent in the midst of unrighteousness (not reproving, correcting, and rebuking those who praxis sin, i.e., those who desire to make sin, i.e., mans carnal nature, i.e., the law of the flesh, i.e., "human nature" the law of the land)—because of their desire for the approval of men—their silence gives consent to doing wrong, i.e., to sinning, resulting in unrighteousness and abomination (the removal of righteousness [and the righteous, i.e., those made righteous in Christ Jesus] from setting policy) becoming the "norm," i.e., the law of the land. The moment a minister does not address the iniquity of a leader, that leader's inequity become the law of the land. To be silent in the midst of unrighteousness—in order to initiate and/or sustain relationship with (peace with and affirmation from) men—makes unrighteousness (and abomination) the "norm," i.e., the law of the land, using "human nature," i.e., man's carnal nature, i.e., men's carnal desires and dissatisfactions to determine right from wrong with. It is why the dialectic process is called "the negation of negation," i.e., the removal of the fear of God, i.e., the negation of the father's/Father's authority system in the feelings, thoughts, and actions of men, including in their relationship with one another and the world. Remove the threat of chastening or judgment (damnation), i.e., the fear of God from the land and the law of the flesh (the heart of man, i.e., his love of pleasure and hate of restraint [and the restrainer]) will rule the day, making unrighteousness and abomination the law of the land. It is why we have arrived at where we are today, with "Christians," including "ministers" (especially "ministers") becoming "tolerant of ambiguity," i.e., setting aside the Word of God, exalting the opinions of men (treating the Word of God as thought it is just another opinion), embracing 'change' in order to "grow" the "church," 'changing' the message of salvation into "salivation"—for the pleasures ("feelings," i.e., "sense experiences") of the 'moment,' i.e., for the pleasures of this life ("peace") and the pleasure which comes from the approval of men ("affirmation," i.e., "self esteem"). (G. W. F. Hegel, in Carl Friedrich, The Philosophy of Hegel; in reference to Hegel's "peace" and "affirmation" and his negation of the word "wrong," replacing it with the word "badly").

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2016