Part 2

Section 21

   The laws of nature and the law of the flesh are not one and the same, as those of dialectic 'reasoning' teach and praxis (put into social action)—treating their theories (opinions) as a fact or truth, while treating facts and truth as theories, as just another opinion. Immanuel Kant's "lawfulness without law" (Critique of Judgment) is just another way of say man is to live by the law of the flesh (according to his feelings of the 'moment'), 'liberated' from the law of God (doing right and not wrong according to the will of God, i.e., living by "every word which proceedeth from the mouth of God"). The laws of nature were created (are established) by God, for all times and in all places. They are observable and consistent (repeatable). The law of the flesh is, on the other hand, not consistent. For example: the law of the flesh is the child's attraction toward an object in the environment (imagined or real) that stimulates pleasure, i.e., that stimulates his desire to relate with it, with him desiring to control the object of pleasure (or the environment it resides in) in order to continue or augment the pleasure it stimulates. It is also the child's resentment of or hatred toward an object in the environment (imagined or real) that stimulates pain, i.e., that stimulates his desire to avoid it, desiring to gain control over the object of pain (or the environment it resides in) in order to negate it (in order to have and control the object in the environment that stimulates pleasure). The law of the flesh is "observable and definable" but not consistent as the laws of nature which are subject to stimulus-response. The law of the flesh is influenced by the child's will to do right and not wrong, with the child having a guilty conscience when he does wrong, which inhibits or blocks 'change,' i.e., which restraints the law of the flesh. With God, man is either right or wrong, redeemed or lost, etc., an either-or paradigm (a paradigm is the way you feel, think, act, and relate with yourself, others, and the world around you, as well as with God), as reflected in the laws of nature. According to dialectic 'reasoning,' man is becoming better or worse over time (progressively), with his use of dialectic 'reasoning' to 'justify' the law of the flesh being better ("good sense") and his faith in God's Word and thus obeying God—with God, the Heavenly Father requiring him to repent of his carnal thoughts and actions, i.e., his praxis of dialectic 'reasoning,' i.e., his "self 'justification" and, being 'redeemed' by His Son, Jesus Christ, be 'reconciled' to Himself, humbling, denying, controlling, disciplining his "self," bringing his flesh (that which makes him subject to this world only) under submission to His will—being worse (evil), i.e., irrational, therefore irrelevant.
   Using dialectic 'reasoning,' i.e., dialoguing with himself, his desires and dissatisfactions of the 'moment,' the child is able to 'justify' his carnal desires, i.e., the law of the flesh, i.e., his wicked thoughts and actions of the 'moment,' deceiving himself into believing (in his own eyes, i.e., according to his own perception or opinion) that since the things which stimulate pleasure are "good, i.e., "feel good" to him in the flesh, in the 'moment,' he himself,
who by nature desires them (who "lusts" after them, i.e., who covets them), is "good" as well. The object of those possessed with (blinded by) dialectic 'reasoning' is to make the law of the flesh, which is common to all children (and men and women), the law of the land (the basis of common-ism AKA Communism), negating any law established by God, the creator, making man subject to his carnal flesh, i.e., his carnal desires, i.e., that which is of the world only (what is, interestingly, also an either-or condition, i.e., either work with us for the "common good," i.e., for the "good" of "the community" or be 'labeled' a resistor of 'change,' i.e., not a "team player").

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2016