Part 2

Section 15

   Dialogue is the activity of the child's mind where the child 'liberates' himself from the father's authority system, i.e., where he 'justifies' to himself his "hearts desires," i.e., his desires of the 'moment' (for pleasure and the approval of others, i.e., peace and affirmation) and dissatisfactions (with restraint and the restrainer), 'liberating' himself from having a guilty conscience for doing wrong. With his imagination—role-playing his heart's carnal desires and dissatisfactions of the 'moment,' he is able to 'create' a world of his own making, out of his own carnal nature, 'liberating' himself from the father's authority for the 'moment,' establishing himself over and therefore against the father's authority system of restraint.
   The trickery of the dialectic (dialogue) process is: by pulling those of the father's authority system into dialogue (in their effort to be "fare"), those of the father's authority system end up loosing (abdicating their authority)—since the father's authority system has no footing in the process of dialogue. You preach and teach truth, meditating upon it, not 'changing' it but letting it change you. To dialogue it with yourself and with others turns it into an opinion, making it subject to 'change,' i.e., subject to your (and others) "feelings" of the 'moment,' i.e., subject to your "sensuous needs" ("felt needs") of the 'moment' (and the "sensuous needs" of the 'moment' of others), which includes not only your desire for pleasure but your desire for "affirmation," i.e., approval as well, making it subject to your "sense perception," i.e., opinion of the 'moment,' which is subject to the situation of the 'moment' and anyone manipulating it, i.e., selecting the "appropriate information" to talk about, guaranteeing the desired outcome, i.e., the negation of the preaching and teaching of truth, i.e., "judgmentalism," "prejudice," "intolerance," etc., thereby 'liberating' the mind from having a guilty conscience, i.e., from coming under conviction for doing wrong.

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2016