

Dean Gotcher

I say continuum because, if the points in a taxonomy are fixed, the theory of relativity is negated, i.e. everything is fixed, i.e. has "fixity," i.e. human thought and feelings are captured by the point in time and space and are forever subject to that point in the continuum i.e. anything else outside that point would be considered "an out-group," an alien, and of no worth, i.e. their point treated as irrelevant when insisted upon, and therefore they would be rightly chastened or annihilated when encountered, i.e. thus anyone who sets up a relativists taxonomy with a continuum must likewise annihilate anyone with a fixed point taxonomy since the two "frameworks" are anathema, i.e. abomination to each other, i.e. to participate in the one negates the other even though the one, i.e. the continuum taxonomy, so calls "incorporates," the other

For more on this see Relativity.

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2009-2015