Presentation class outline
The Dialectic Process put into Praxis
Dialectic 'reasoning' negates the father's authority in the child's feelings, thoughts, and actions and in his relationship with other children negating the Father's (God's) authority in man's feelings, thoughts, and actions, and in his relationship with other men. "The philosopher Hegel said that truth is not found in the thesis nor the antithesis but in an emerging synthesis which reconciles the two." (Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love) In dialectic 'reasoning' reconciliation is not between man and God but between mankind himself instead (negating God).
The dialectic formula: Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis.
If Thesis is the father's authority then Antithesis is the tension between the father's authority and the child's feelings of the 'moment.' Because of the father's authority to chasten the child (for disobedience) or cast him out (for disrespecting his authority, i.e. for questioning his rules, commands, facts, and truth and challenging his authority), Synthesis (the child becoming "at-one-with" himself and the world) can not become actualized, i.e. can not become a reality. Only by starting with the child''s "feelings" and "thoughts" of the 'moment,' i.e. beginning with with the child's opinion, making the child's desires the Thesis, i.e. making the father's authority the Antithesis (the source of tension) can the child ('justifying' himself), negate in his feelings, thoughts, and actions and in his relationship with others the father's authority, creating Synthesis (unity with himself and the world) in the process. Since Synthesis does not happen naturally, facilitators of 'change must seduce, deceive, and manipulate those who are dissatisfied with the father's/Father's authority into building relationship with one another over and against the father's/Father's authority, 'creating' a "new' world order of children (in adult bodies) 'liberating' the world from Godly restraint. It is a formula that has worked down through the ages, now being applied on a global scale.
Human Nature:
Our nervous system (touch, taste, sight, smell, sound) is stimulated by objects in the environment. Our coming into contact with an object in the environment 'liberates' ('emancipates') a chemical (called a neurotransmitters) between nerve endings in the body (called synaptic gaps—not only on the way to the brain but in the brain itself). When dopamine, the neurotransmitter of pleasure, is emancipated into the synaptic gaps in our brain we become aware of a gratifying object in the environment. Because of our bodies natural "want" (desire, i.e. "lust") for dopamine emancipation, we look into the environment to locate the gratifying object which stimulated it. We then take action (move in the direction of the gratifying object) to apprehend it in an effort to simulate more dopamine emancipation, i.e. to have more pleasure. The child is not in love with the toy he is playing with. He is in love with the dopamine which is being 'liberated' into the synaptic gap, which the toy is stimulating. It is our nature ("human nature") to approach pleasure and to avoid pain. We are born into this world with it.
"Self" loves dopamine. If we can not have the object of gratification which stimulates dopamine 'emancipation', we image, i.e. we daydream instead, 'creating' a world of gratifying objects in our mind, stimulating dopamine emancipation in the process. The thoughts of a child, left to himself, will create a world of pleasure, esteeming, exalting, 'justifying' his "self," i.e. his love of dopamine 'emancipation,' i.e. his love of pleasure in the process. According to dialectic 'reasoning,' it is the father's authority which inhibits or blocks the child's world of pleasure, engendering a world of pain (the absence or missing out on pleasure can be perceived as pain), teaching the child to humble, deny, control, discipline his "self" instead. Finding pleasure in pleasing the father, i.e. a "substitute gratification" (Freud) or an "opiate" (Marx), i.e. the restrainer of pleasure, is therefore, according to dialectic 'reasoning,' the cause of "neurosis," "repression," and "alienation," where a persons belief conflicts with that which is of nature.
Paradigms: Patriarch, Matriarch, Heresiarch (Knowing, Feeling, Thinking)
The Patriarchal Paradigm is the father's/Father's "above-below," "top-down," "right-wrong" authority system: 1) to preach and teach commands and rules to be obeyed and facts and truth to be accepted as is (by faith), 2) to bless (reward) those children who obey or do things right, 3) to chasten those children who disobey or do things wrong (to restore them to his/His authority and to do things right), and 4) to cast out those children who disrespect his/His authority, i.e. who question his commands, rules, facts, and truth and challenge his/His authority. In this paradigm the child "knows," "Because dad said so." As Jesus said: "It is written..."
The Matriarchal Paradigm is the mother heart, desiring peace and harmony, i.e. "feelings" driven, caught between her husband's authority (the childrens father's authority) and the children's feelings of the 'moment,' with the child, while "lusting" after dopamine emancipation, still having a "guilty conscience" for disobediance.
The Heresiarchal Paradigm of 'change' is the children 'justifying' themselves with themselves ("thinking" according to their "feelings" and the "feelings" of others in the 'moment'), i.e. augmenting pleasure, i.e. augmenting dopamine 'emancipation,' and attenuating pain, i.e. negating the father's/Father's authority. The role (duty) of the facilitator of 'change,' i.e. "the child of disobedience" is to "help" children "think through their feelings," i.e. to evaluate themselves and the world around them from themselves instead of from the father's/Father's rules, commands, facts and truth. Through the praxis of 1) "unfreezing" the child, i.e. creating for him a "safe zone," i.e. an environment in which he can openly share his opinion, i.e. express his "feelings" and "thoughts" of the 'moment' without fear of reprisal (without fear of being chastened or cast out) so that he can dialogue with other children his natural desire for pleasure and his resentment toward parental authority which blocks or inhibits it, 2) "moving" or 'changing' the child's loyalty from the parent's (who disprove of his "lusting" after pleasure and chasten him for disobeying their commands and rules and questioning their facts and truth) to "the group" (which approves of his "lusting" after pleasures and his resentment toward parental authority), and 3) through coming to consensus (synthesis, i.e. to a "feeling" of "oneness" or agreement) with one another upon working together as a "group," on a "group project," augmenting pleasure and attenuation pain, i.e. feeling, thinking, and acting and relating with one another, 'liberated' from parental authority.
© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2013
Marx, Freud, Hegel
Bloom's "Taxonomies": Goals 2000, "No Child Left Behind," Common Core
György Lukács
Karl Korsch
(Antonio Gramsci)
Erich Fromm
Paul Lazarsfeld
Herbart Marcuse & Norman O. Brown
J. L. Moreno
Kurt Lewin
Wilhelm Reich
Kenneth Benne
Warren Bennis
Carl Rogers
Abraham Maslow
Robert Trojanowicz
Ervine Laszlo
War: Genesis 3:1-6 vs. Hebrews 12:5-11 & Romans 7:14-25
Consensus (agreeing with feelings) vs. Confirmation
(agreeing with position)
Dialogue (opinions-"equal") vs. Discuss ("position"-"top-down")
Inductive Reasoning (environmental/situational) vs. Deductive Reasoning (a
Super-ego = Village (two or more as "One" = 'changeable') vs.
Conscience = Father (only One position, FA = fixed)
Theory and Practice vs. Belief-Action Dichotomy
History: Whoever defines terms for you, either controls or rules over your life.
French, Russian, China, .... Revolutions = Killing the FA: King = FA, Bourgeoisie = Children supporting FA, Proletariat = Children resenting FA, Vanguard Party = FC 'liberating' children from the FA, legislative, judiciary, and executive branches are all united as one through the consensus process (super-ego, "thinking through feelings," FC controlling "the peoples" perception, uniting and controlling branches through networking departments under-between branches), with the children and the environment ("the people," i.e. human resources and minerals, i.e. natural resources) under their control.
American Revolution = Limiting the FA (preventing one man our group of men controlling legislate, judge, and execute) in the Federal, State, County, Township, and City (breaking up branches, using majority vote, and representative government) but leaving the FA in tact in the home to develop the conscience, i.e. R-W thinking in the citizens—Leg, Exec. and Judg. are children "thinking on the Father's position," representing the constitutes, i.e. serving and protecting the FA, i.e. those who sent them (whether feelings based, i.e. democratic, or position based, i.e. republican but both with a conscience). If the children (the representatives) misuse the Father's money they are removed from office (no longer sent to the store since they no longer represent the Father concerning his interests/needs but are using his money for their own interests/needs or the interest/needs of others who are counter to the FA). Family, land, and business remains private, of the Father's domain, with government only to serve and protect (perpetuate) the private "top-down" order of the FA in the family (private property/business).
DG = Diverse Group, DC = Dialoguing to a
Consensus, SI = over Social Issues, FM = in a Facilitated Meeting, PDO =
to a Pre-Determined Outcome (that no decision or policy is to be made
without DG, DC, SI, FM, PDO). This prevents any FA from taking
over the meeting, setting public policy protecting his family, property,
and business, with the FA therefore affecting the community, state,
nation, and the world, inhibiting or blocking socialism.
© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2013