The Dialectic & Praxis: Diaprax and the End of the Ages
by Dean Gotcher
The Institution for Authority Research website.

© Institution For Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 1996-2015

Permission is granted to copy and use/quote portions
of this work provided that the author, Dean Gotcher, is credited each time,
and that no changes are made to any text. Please, order booklets if you wish
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Pages 42 to  47

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Pages 30 to 35 |  Pages 36 to 41 |  Pages 42 to 47 |  Pages 48 to 52 | Back Cover


Sub-phase nine: CAUSATION IS THE RESULT OF EFFECT.   "The cart before the horse syndrome."  " Diaprax: The dialectic driving for unity through the controlled used of cognitive dissonance, in the environment of praxis."  (Translations: "Brainwashing by socio-psychologists: The science of developing and utilizing the anxiety of alienation, naturally found in people, to synthesize them through the use of antithesis or confusion, in a technological designed 'real world' laboratory or New World Order: The socio-psychological use of fear to herd people together for the purpose of Global domination.")

According to Hegel "what is rational is real, and what is real is rational."  It is therefore the real environment that produces or develops rational minds, and it is the rational mind that is willing to recognize the real world.  Diaprax rejects a cause and effect world, which determines outcomes up front, such as "You must always do this, if you want that to always happen."

According to those who use diaprax, cause and effect is irrational.  Cause and effect requires faith in a preestablished world order and in outcomes set prior to human experience, that cannot be justified in a world out of order.  According to diaprax, the rational mind and the real world must be seen as effect and cause.  They believe the effect of presenting a real world situation for people to learn to relate within (environment/climate control) will cause rational behavior (the desired outcome), providing it is properly facilitated.  Consequently they believe the effect of teaching people to trust in and obey an unreal worldview, will only cause irrational behavior.

According to diaprax, to effect a real world-view (diversity) is to cause a rational mind (the quest for unity).  The result of this kind of mindset is the belief that cosmic oneness is the goal of life, the most rational and most real way to live.  According to those promoting diaprax, any one not seeking solutions to the world's problems with higher-order thinking skills is considered irrational and should never be allowed to occupy a position of influence where they can "contaminate" the next generation with their traditional, "lower order" way of thinking.

Therefore, according to diaprax, since the real world is changing, the rational mind must also be adaptable to change.  This is cyclical reasoning to a Christian, since the solution to the world's problem, according to this process, can only be resolved by worldly thinking; and it is worldly thinking, according to


this process, that recognizes worldly problems.  Therefore any thinking that is not worldly cannot be rational because, according to this process, only that which is worldly can be real.  All is cosmic-bound.

The individual can now justify their conduct according to the ambiguous rules and standards they design through diaprax.  They believe they are able to solve both personal and social problems, "because" they know how to think for themselves in a way that will not hurt the rest of mankind, but instead will assist it in achieving world unity.  Their definitions will always be directed toward satisfying social needs, group think, not the needs of some absolute-minded authority, be it God or man.  The cause for life now becomes mankind rationally getting along with himself, not mankind obeying God, parents, etc. because He or they say we must.


           Unearned self esteem can never satisfy a person like

is just another diaprax
word for DUPED.

earned self esteem.  To receive compliments you have not earned is an insult.  Diaprax insults every person it dialogues with.

           Those in the world of diaprax refuse to accept personal accountability to those in the traditional world, the real world.  Anyone in the real world, sensing problems coming from OBE, TQM, and STW, who tries to get answers by dialoguing with those in the land of diaprax, will soon realize that, despite all the compliments being bestowed upon them, the "I think it is wonderful that you have come to find out what is going on.  You are one of the few who really seems to care enough to get involved and help us make a difference," kind of self esteem put off, they are being insulted.

           Diaprax succeeds because it gives anyone under its influence the sense that they are in control.  They do not realize that it is controlling them.  Diaprax is like an addictive substance, except it works with words, with language and thought.  While saying one thing it accomplishes another.  It "gives" you something that makes you feel good, but if you really stop to think it through, you will realize it gives you little or nothing at all.  What you are giving up is control over your life and the right to use it in the real world.  Diaprax just forgets to tell you that you are giving up your right to control your life, you have to figure that out on your own.  Just like any addictive substance, that is hard to do while you are under its influence.


           Empowerment is just another diaprax word for duped.  When people realize they have been "had" by the process they soon discover they cannot warn others because others still believe they control their own lives.  Nobody can fight the system while in it.  It does not provide adequate footing for resistance from within.  Those who think so are only fooling themselves.


           Much of my research lead me into the study of "conscious-subconscious" behavior.  Some call this spectrum "false consciousness-consciousness," others "deep structure-surface structure."  (This is also the area of research that socio-psychologists concentrate upon in their effort to understand how to use hypnosis.)  A psychological assumption held by socio-psychologists is that when a person's spontaneity (deep structure, subconscious desire or emotional "need") is thwarted (restrained or suppressed) by rules or commands (surface structure) they build up hidden feelings of resentment that will eventually result in some form of hostility toward themselves or others.  When these feelings are finally given an opportunity to be vented they become the dynamo behind prejudice.

           Because the authority figure, who sets the rules and demands obedience and respect, will not permit himself to be used as an outlet for any pent up anger, especially from any one under his authority, the one under submission will most likely project his anger at any "outsider" the authority figure resents, thus not only getting rid of the internal tension caused by submission, but also gaining favor with the authority figure as well.  Socio-psychologists believe this is where all prejudice comes from.

           What is missing here is the recognition of benevolent authority, something socio-psychologists discuss, but refuse to accept as an answer, since the issue for them is not really love and forgiveness, but the freedom to question established authority.  They seek to control society, without personal accountability.  Kurt Lewin and others recognize that benevolent authority could produce a healthy community, but, because it still demanded obedience to a higher authority which they could not control, they could not accept it as an option.  This is why OBE, TQM, and STW are not teaching obedience, but respect for one another, as much as is possible.  Those who do not deserve respect, according to socio-psychologists, are those who continue to believe in absolutes and resist change.

           God expects us to respect Him and obey His laws, yet He knows about our sinful nature that resents being told what to do.  In Christ he has provided forgiveness for our resentment and disobedience and with His Holy Spirit has given us the power to overcome it.  God has made possible what man cannot do.  This is why socio-psychologist refuse to recognize benevolent authority.  To do so would force them to recognize their sinful nature and to admit their need for God.  What they do not want to recognize is that He is their Creator as well.


           The socio-psychologist, Piaget, stated that any time someone tells a child what to do or teaches a child, they prevent the child from discovering for himself and thereby end up damaging the child.  What he and others like him mean is that spontaneity must become as important a part of education as the gathering of information.  Absolute rules, especially transcendent rules, stand in the way of spontaneity, since they cannot be discovered through spontaneity.

           In diaprax everyone is given a chance to role play, to become spontaneous, to be freed from the stagnating rules of "Do this," "Don't do that," inculcated by parents, teachers, preachers, bosses, government, etc.  This is why, according to socio-psychologists, didactic, rote learning must give way to dialectic, higher-order thinking.  When Piaget insisted that children should not be given rules until they are seven, because they cannot understand rules until then, he said it because it fit the pattern of the dialectic process.  What he and men such as him have to overcome is the fact that their process is in error.  If rules are not set by the age of seven one most likely will have an unruly child.  This is foolishness, as even they sometimes admit.

[R]ather than using rote and didactic models for
remediation of basic academic skills...shall incorporate appropriate
instructional methods.  [Conditions necessary for Federal Grant funds.]

                                                      U.S. Federal Bill S.143 RS, p.187, lines 21-24.

           But socio-psychologists are intoxicated with diaprax, possessed with the process, and cannot for some reason see the "pattern of failure" that Abraham Maslow did momentarily recognize.  If they should ever truly recognize the error of their way and therefore end up rejecting diaprax, they have no where else to turn, except to God and His Word.  That is why Maslow was in such conflict in the end, he didn't want to turn that way.  That is also why Lawrence Kohlberg, of the "life raft dilemma" fame, ended up committing suicide.  Just think of it, almost every child in both public and private school is learning or has participate in at least one of suicidal Lawrence Kohlberg's dilemma questions.  There is no true and lasting hope in intellectually rebellious diaprax.  Only hopelessness and defiant despair if not self-destruction in the end.

           But to those addicted to diaprax the process is always right; they believe that they just need some more time and more subjects to experiment with, to work out the kinks.  One thing to remember about experiments, the experimenter is never held responsible for the results, even if the experiment fails, as longs as he follows the procedures he set out to do and the experiment was approved by those participating.  Just be aware that in this experiment you may be blamed for any failure because you did not do your part (did not participate in parents as teachers, management training, etc.) and you may be charged for any damages done to society (drop outs or refusal to participate, in some socialist countries these people are referred to as parasites.)


           If your child is in this experiment, take comfort that you might get them back—damaged, but that should be no problem since you authorized the experiment to begin with.  You supported it through the laws you allowed to be passed.  You donated to it through participating in its voluntary social activities.  You approved of it by sending your child into it.  In the end you are the only one to blame.  In diaprax that's the way it works.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the
flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) CASTING
   II Corinthians 10:3-5


           When it comes to one's position on God's Word the Christian cannot go through the definition sub-phase of diaprax using "I think," or "I feel," without weakening or destroying their faith.  The use of "It is written" during this sub-phase may well cost the Christian the respect of those in the group, but it is the only way the Christian can stay loyal to his belief and his position in God and His Word.

           To move into the realm of "I think" or "I feel" on matters of "It is written" is folly.  Many Christians have fallen prey.  While numerous scriptures come to mind, one in particular applies directly to diaprax—I Timothy 6:20-21.  The Apostle Paul warned Timothy not to participate in "oppositions" (actual Greek word used is antithesis) "of so called science whereby many have lost their faith" ("so called science" is Paul's reference to the dialectic process).  It doesn't get any clearer than that.  One cannot participate in diaprax and keep their faith in God.

           If you reject God as the "First Cause" or the purpose for your life, you are doomed to the life of diaprax.  You have based the cause for your existence upon your own wisdom and are bound to the cosmos and its impending judgment.  You are worshiping the created rather than the Creator and are bound to Life-Long Learning without any hope of coming to true understanding of what life is really all about.


           In diaprax, you are trapped within the corrupting love of pleasure, and cannot know the true love of God.  All you can hope to achieve in diaprax is a hollow existence, full of motion.  You will never find the rest that the Creator of all things has provided for you in His son but you will instead be destined for eternal damnation, according to His preset standards, as found in His Word.  With God there is no gray zone, only black and white, only the choice between life or death.  This is the only choice there is.  He has left the choice up to you.

           In diaprax, you can only turn to the cosmos and its cosmic-bound gurus (socio-psychologists) for the questions to the answers to satisfy personal-social relationship needs.  This is the only choice you have if you refuse to recognizing your resentment toward the authority of God and your sins as a result.  To find the true and lasting answer to your real need—the remission of your sins and a restored relationship with your creator—you need to believe upon Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you need to be baptized, and you need to purpose within your heart to serve Him as Lord and Master of your life.  If you refuse, you can only turn to the "wisdom" of fallen men for the questions to their answers.  You will only find there the destructive satanic process of diaprax, the science and technology of the New Age (dialectic and praxis).

                     If you are in the grips of the "New Age" process or are simply submitting to its allure, now is the time to turn to the only one who can rescue you, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"  (Acts 4:12).

           For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me, the fountain of
living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

                                                                                                                    Jeremiah 2:11-13, 19

           There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end therof are the ways of
                                                                                                         Proverbs 14:12, 16:25

           Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let
him return unto the  LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will
abundantly pardon.  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, saith the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
       Isaiah 55:7-9

           If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do
not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.  If we say that we
have not sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

                                                                                                                      I John 1:5-9


Pages 42 to  47

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Pages 30 to 35 |  Pages 36 to 41 |  Pages 42 to 47 |  Pages 48 to 52 | Back Cover

© Institution For Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 1996-2015

Permission is granted to copy and use/quote portions
of this work provided that the author, Dean Gotcher, is credited each time,
and that no changes are made to any text. Please, order booklets if you wish
to have your own hard copy.  Thank you.